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Units conditions is continuous source current mosfet symbol body diode showing the ism pulsed source. Irfs640a datasheet, irfs640a datasheets, irfs640a pdf, irfs640a circuit. Jul 30, 2019 irf640a datasheet pdf irf, sihf vishay siliconix this datasheet provides information about parts that are. Irf640b datasheet 200v nchannel bfet substitute of. Irfs640a pdf, irfs640a description, irfs640a datasheets.
Irf640, sihf640 power mosfet, available from vishay intertechnology, a global manufacturer of electronic components. Adobe acrobat reader dc download free pdf viewer for. Com datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors and other semiconductors. A irf640, rf1s640sm tc 25oc, unless otherwise specified absolute maximum ratings irf640, rf1s640sm. Irfp240 vishay siliconix discrete semiconductor products. After check datasheet of 2n, frequency is very low transition frequency ft. Box is a file extension for an email mailbox folder file format. Typical sourcedrain diode forward voltage 1 10 100 vds, draintosource voltage v 100 0 00 c, c a p a c i t a n c e p f coss crss ciss vgs 0v, f 1 mhz. Mounting pad area the maximum rated junction temperature, tjm, and the thermal resistance of the heat dissipating path determines.
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